The first part tells about how you can better find yourself, and your abilities; you have a lot of good things in you, and it is only a question of giving them place and chances to develop. This part is about how culture gives you paths and resources to express yourself and show your abilities. It is also good to remember the power of inner strength and self-esteem which you build by doing things yourself and which grows when you are succeeding.
Empowerment increases the capabilities of individuals and groups to make more purposive choices in life. Purposive choices become desired outcomes, since empowered people strongly feel that they have the freedom of choice and action. The feeling of empowerment enables people to better influence the course of their life.
Flow is a mental state of a person doing an activity.The person is totally involved, energized focused and feel much enjoyment in the process of the activity. The feeling of flow have positive consequences, flow makes our lives more successful and happy.
The meaning of contemporary art is wide. At individual level understanding develops and new insights arise. Contemporary art opens up different ways for expressing emotions and for communicating. By interpreting messages of contemporary art people get more knowledge of how to express themselves.